
Monday, February 29, 2016

Tone Wood Youtube

The secret to get over million views on youtube

Take your guitar to the loft. Sit in front of the camera and assure yourself that the loft with all it’s daily stuff and things looks like a place where people make their living. Plug your guitar directly in your computer, play a few short tunes, and always use a microphone (can be a cheap one)in combination with the pickup to give it an acoustic edge.

I met Matt Otten about 15 years ago and when I was busy with my new website I asked him if he would like to make a promotion movie for my Elferink guitars website. When the recording was done I realized that the movie file was too large for my website.

Matt was so friendly to help me solving this problem and came with a web service which supported the storage of movie files. We both never had heard of this new service (called You Tube)

10 years ago You Tube was an upcoming new service which was just what everybody needed to store music and movies. Being the first with using a new service, technology, style, or design is important for success. As important as the golden hands from Matt and maybe also the guitar he holds.