
Saturday, May 4, 2013


Une collection d'improvisations en studio et en concert, sur guitare acoustique, classique, électrique, préparée, ainsi que deux pièces au cistre.

A collection of improvisations performed in the studio and in concert using acoustic, electric and classical guitar, prepared guitar and cittern.
released 30 April 2013

Daniel Heikalo: tous les instruments, composition, enregistrement, mix et mastering ainsi que photo et conception graphique de la pochette.

Most of the work of this composer, multi-instrumentalist and visual artist is informed by surrealism and improvisation of one kind or another.

In the mid 70’s Daniel Heïkalo took part in the post-L’Infonie Montréal avant-garde music scene, co-founding the Ensemble de Musique Improvisée de Montréal.

In the 80’s he moved to Nova Scotia.
Daniel has recorded several CD’s including, Thoughts of My Father which earned an East Coast Music Award nomination in 1993 and his latest Horton Landing Improvisations Volume 1 with musician Hugh Blackmer.

Daniel lives with his wife, Tamara, and they operate a studio and record production company, Heïkalo Sound Productions.