
Friday, June 21, 2013

Marjorie Sturm

A Film By Marjorie Sturm
A feature documentary about the writer JT LeRoy - Ethically charged, controversial, and confusing, JT’s life and death sprang open a Pandora’s box of powerful questions about literature and culture, identity and celebrity, and the reality of the society we live in. Fraud? Art? Mental illness? Complicity? What is behind our insatiable appetite for the sordid and shocking? The Exorcism of JT Leroy will be a testament to this bizarre and elaborate story that has captured the attention and fascination of the world’s media, and perplexes to this day. Featuring an eclectic mix from the literary, film, and media world (along with others) whose lives intersected with this Persona, including Stephen Beachy, Dennis Cooper, Bruce Benderson, Geoffrey Knoop, Kate Garner, Steve English, Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore, Brian Pera, Nancy Rommelmann, Jeffrey Levy-Hinte, Charles Wessler, V Vale, Ira Silverberg, Lilly Bright, and Penelope Houston. Music composed by Ernesto Diaz-Infante.