Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Annette Krebs 2 radio transmissions | 2 Radiosendungen

A few weeks ago, I was invited by Pascal Laurent to present my music in the free anarchist radio station Radio Libertaire within the frame of "les oreilles libres" in Paris. 

As i missed to announce the emission in time, i would like to invite you now to listen to the archived stream under: 

There are some unwanted distortions in sounds mostly towards the end of the emission, mostly in "blikk" please just overleap them...

LIVE AT BEI ROY · 29.07.2012 | Berlin
Ohrengala 11 · blikk | Freischwimmer

Annette Krebs: blikk
for prepared guitar, electronics, objects, samples and one speaker
developed for the light installation
Freischwimmer by Kazue Taguchi



Am 7.7.2013 wird der Klangbericht "Atelier 1511" von Antje Vowinckel in Deutschlandradio Kultur gesendet.
In dieser Sendung werden auch einige meiner Audioportrais und Interviewfragmente verwendet.
