
Sunday, September 8, 2013

Emidio Buchinho

concert and performance sound installation
Oficinas do Convento | Montemor-o-Novo - 4.6.2011

At the age of 15 began as a self-taught guitarist. Between 1982 and 1988, studied classical guitar at Academia de Música e Belas-Artes Luísa Todi (Portugal) and Conservatoire Municipal de Château-Thierry (France).
Since 1984 performed with Vitor Joaquim, Carlos Zíngaro, Nuno Rebelo, Carlos Santos, João Silva, Günter Müller, Otomo Yoshihide, Rudiger Carl, Matt Wand, Mick Beck, eRiKm, Ludger Lamers, ZoidFactory and Random Guitar Trio, among others.
Has a degree in Cinema - Sound for Films. Since 1990 works regularly as a sound designer, sound engineer and musician: composed, played,
recorded and produced music, sound special effects and soundtracks for film, documentary, installation, theatre, dance, video-art and TV advertisements.
Released "Toltech", an electric guitar and electronics solo CD, and "Transducer - Music for Films and Installations".
Teacher on Sound for Audiovisuals and Multimedia.
PhD Student in Science and Art Technology - Computer Music, in the UCP - Universidade Católica do Porto, with the advising of the composer Dr. António de Sousa Dias.
Director and founding member of the GRANULAR Association.