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Date: 2015-04-13 5:45 GMT+02:00
Subject: Sat 4/18: James Tenney: Complete Guitar Music, San Francisco
Date: 2015-04-13 5:45 GMT+02:00
Subject: Sat 4/18: James Tenney: Complete Guitar Music, San Francisco
55 taylor san francisco
$15 [$10 members/underemployed] 7:30p
James Tenney: Complete Guitar Musiccurated and produced by Giacomo Fiore
A retrospective program of the music for guitars by James Tenney (1934–2006)—one of America's unsung experimental music heroes. These concerts are produced in collaboration with Larry Polansky, Matt Ingalls and sfSound, and David Tanenbaum's San Francisco Conservatory Guitar Ensemble; with funding from San Francisco Friends of Chamber Music, the Foundation for Contemporary Arts, and the University of California Santa Cruz Music Department.
P R O G R A MHarmonium #2 (two guitars)Water on the mountain... Fire in heaven (six electric guitars)Spectrum #4 (chamber ensemble)Septet (six electric electric guitars, and electric bass)
UCSC Guitarists: Jay Arms, Brian Baumbusch, Giacomo Fiore, Larry Polansky, Lanier Sammons, Samuel Shaloub, guitars; Andrew Smith, conductor
sfSoundGroup: Monica Scott, contrabass; Brendan Lai-Tong, trombone; Benjamin Kreith, violin;John Ingle, alto recorder; Matt Ingalls, bass clarinet ; Matthew Goodheart, piano; Giacomo Fiore, guitar; Mark Clifford, vibraphone
San Francisco Conservatory Guitar Ensemble: John Zientek, Ryan Wallace, Zoë Holbrook, Sydd Urgola, Nathaniel Martinez, Roberto Borbone, Katrina Gavelin; David Tanenbaum, director
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sfSoundSalonSeries http://sfSound.org