It is an olden time, but neither a precise time nor a precise place.
Harry Partch, Notes to the Score of Delusion of the Fury, September 11, 1966
AGP57 is a transcription of the classic LP "The World of Harry Partch". The three compositions on this LP are available on CD in other recordings, but these are the recordings that introduced a generation of music lovers to the strange sounds of Harry Partch's instruments and compositions. Normally, I steer clear of compositions that are currently available on CD in other recordings, but a transcription of this long out-of-print LP was specially requested, so here it is. My copy is in excellent condition with only the hiss of the analog recording and very light pressing noise typicaly of an American pressing. The transcription preserves the spacious sound of the original recording.
The installment includes a PDF with a scan of the front cover photo and the liner notes on the back. The Adobe Acrobat OCR software was used to analyze the text. Many other recordings of Harry's Partch's inimitable music are available on CD and DVD, in part thanks to the effort of the Harry Partch Foundation. Be sure to check out the Enclosure series distributed by Innova Recordings.
To download AGP57 files, right-click on each of the following links and select SAVE LINK AS.