The Binding robot
The primary purpose of binding is to block the transfer of moisture by the hygroscopic end grain of the plates of the instrument. This prevents cracks in a way that purfling cannot. It also reduces wear to instrument body edges and protect the instrument against mechanical bumps of the edges. Celluloid is used as binding material on most vintage guitars. Modern guitars often use ABS plastic or wood for the binding and purfling.
It will take maybe a couple of years when the binding and purfling will be made and mounted in a few seconds with a big extrusion robot. Like toothpaste which is pressed out of the tube the binding is pressed into the guitar edge.

Plastic granules combined with flakes of pearl will give a super tight multiple layer binding with a small pearl center line all in one quick run of the robot. More tightly, more precise and uniform than was ever possible by hand.
Who will be the first? I think Taylor, I am almost sure it is Taylor.