Born in Lisbon in 1975. Lives and works in Lisbon and Belfast.
Working as an artist and musician mainly focusing on the relation of sound and space. Currently doing an MPHIL at Sonic Arts Research Center / Belfast.
Graduated in Architecture at the University of Lisbon-Faculty of Architecture, and in Sculpture and Advanced Visual Arts at Ar.Co / Lisbon. Graduate courses at the School of Visual Arts in New York. Studied music at the Hot Clube de Portugal and Musical Analysis and Composition at the Academia de Amadores de Música / Lisbon.

Working as an artist and musician mainly focusing on the relation of sound and space. Currently doing an MPHIL at Sonic Arts Research Center / Belfast.
Graduated in Architecture at the University of Lisbon-Faculty of Architecture, and in Sculpture and Advanced Visual Arts at Ar.Co / Lisbon. Graduate courses at the School of Visual Arts in New York. Studied music at the Hot Clube de Portugal and Musical Analysis and Composition at the Academia de Amadores de Música / Lisbon.
Since 1998 has presented his work at individual and group
exhibitions, concerts and performances, in Portugal and abroad. He has
done several collaborations with other artists, musicians, architects
and performers.
From his work stands out the project PARK, developed since 2001 in
collaboration with other artists and musicians and project EYE HEIGHT
directed together with choreographer Beatriz Cantinho. Presented his
work in solo and group exhibitions such as Project Room CCB_Lisboa,
Circle Fine Arts in Madrid, MUDAM_Luxemburgo, Centre Culturel
Gulbenkian_Paris, Manifesta 08_European Bienal of Contemporary Art in
Italy, Loraine Frac-Metz, OK CENTRE_Linz_Austria, CHIADO
8_Culturgest_Lisboa and Casa da Musica in Porto. Projected, with
architect Pancho Guedes, the installation “Lisboscópio” for the Official
Portuguese Representation at the Venice Architecture Biennale 2006. In
Culturgest (Lisbon) presented in 2008 a significant body of his work
since 1998.
As cellist has worked in the field of improvised music with several
musicians and formations (Nuno Torres, David Maranha, Pedro Rebelo,
Franziska Shroeder, Gabriel Ferrandini, Hernani Faustino, Rodrigo
Pinheiro, Ernesto Rodrigues, Ricardo Guerrero, C Spencer Yeh, Travassos,
Shiori Usui, Manuel Mota, Variable Geometry Orchestra PinkDraft,
Cacto). In 2009 he edited a disco duet with Nuno Torres (CACTO) and
edited the “Mechanical Pieces for Piano and Voice” project IN A REAR
ROOM. In 2012 Creative Sources edited the debut album of PINKDRAFT
“2010″. In 2013 the album “The Earworm Versions ” by PARQUE was released
on Shhpuma Records.
Presented his work as a musician-performer in the Festival Gallery VERB Vermelho_São Paul, Festival Temps d’Images_Lisboa, Rescaldo_Lisboa Festival, Festival BigBang_CCB_Lisboa, Culturgest_Porto and Lisbon, ZDB_Lisboa, Dance Base_Edimburgo, Kabinett 0047_Oslo_Noruega, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, among others.
Presented his work as a musician-performer in the Festival Gallery VERB Vermelho_São Paul, Festival Temps d’Images_Lisboa, Rescaldo_Lisboa Festival, Festival BigBang_CCB_Lisboa, Culturgest_Porto and Lisbon, ZDB_Lisboa, Dance Base_Edimburgo, Kabinett 0047_Oslo_Noruega, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, among others.
SOLO CELLO take #0
Ricardo Jacinto – cello + electronics
Recorded by Mr. Maga @ Fundição de Oeiras 2012
Nuno Torres – alto sax
Ricardo Jacinto – cello
Galeria da Boavista – Radial X Festival 2012
Ricardo Jacinto – Cello
Rodrigo Pinheiro – IOS devices
Concerto gravado na Galeria da Boavista a 29 de Junho, em Lisboa, integrado na programação do RadiaLx de 2012.
Duo composto por Ricardo Jacinto, no violoncelo, e Rodrigo Pinheiro, pianista nos RED Trio, com dispositivos electrónicos.
Pieces for cello based on recordings of natural radio sounds (ELF and VLF). All compositions rely on a vocabulary and syntax built upon the different qualities e noise articulation present on these recordings. This piece was composed for and played in an ancient jailhouse.
Peças para violoncelo compostas a partir da audição de captações, por receptores terrestres, de rádio natural em ELF (extremely low frequencies) e VLF (very low frequencies). Todas as composições são baseadas num vocabulário e sintaxe inferidos das diferentes qualidades e articulação de ruídos presentes nessas gravações.
O termo “rádio natural” é utilizado para descrever a ocorrência natural de sinais electromagnéticos encontrados num espectro de frequencia muito baixo, a maioria encontrando-se entre os 400Hz e os 10000Hz. Estes sinais derivam normalmente de tempestades eléctricas e dos efeitos dos ventos solares na Magnetosfera. Esta peça foi composta para ser tocada numa antiga prisão.
Ricardo Jacinto / cello, loop station.
CACTO – Live at ESMTC (Casa dos Dias da Água), April 2011
Nuno Torres Alto Saxophone
Ricardo Jacinto Cello
“CACTO is a free improvisation project between the long time musical partners Nuno Torres and Ricardo Jacinto. From an electro-accoustic context they have developed a particular intrumental noisy dialogue. Strongly influenced by concrete and spectral musical aspects they have been working on a free improvisational context.
Their first album, in a duet configuration, was recorded in an Anechoic Chamber, a place where the musical/sound aesthetic of the project found its perfect first site-specific recording context.
They are currently preparing the release of a new album featuring three trios with Shiori Usui (voice), Manuel Mota (electric guitar) and Ricardo Guerreiro (Electronics).
O “CACTO” é um projecto de improvisação livre que, num contexto electro-acústico, tem desenvolvido uma música onde o ruído é matéria para a criação de paisagens sonoras de carácter minimal e reducionista, explorando texturas e diálogos oblíquos, tanto entre os dois instrumentos como com o lugar onde actuam. O seu primeiro albúm, em dueto, foi gravado numa câmara anecóica, lugar esse onde encontraram o contexto acústico ideal para revelar o seu universo sonoro.
Ricardo Jacinto – cello
Nuno Torres – alto sax
Nuno Morão – objects / percussion
Travassos – amplified objects, tapes, circuit bending
Improv session at David Maranha´s studio_February 2012
David Maranha violin
Ricardo Jacinto cello
Improv session recorded at Casa do Sobreiro 2009
Marcia – voice
Ricardo Jacinto – cello
Atraso by PARQUE
Nuno Torres – Alto Sax
Ricardo Jacinto – cello & composition
Manuel Pinheiro – percussion
Hugo Brito & Nuno Ribeiro – pendular speaker
Recorded at Fundição de Oeiras 2002