Kazuhisa Uchihashi (内橋和久, Uchihashi Kazuhisa) began to play the guitar at age 12, playing in various rock bands, though he later studied jazz music. In 1988 he joined the band the First Edition, and in 1990 formed the band Altered States. He was also a member of Otomo Yoshihide's Ground Zero from 1994 to 1997.
Uchihashi also plays daxophone, and in addition to his role as a free improviser, Uchihashi has been the musical director for Osaka theatre group Ishinha, has held improvisation workshops (a project known as New Music Action) in various cities in Japan, as well as London, Oslo, and currently in Vienna also. Uchihashi has set up his own record label, Innocent Records a.k.a. Zenbei Records, had held a music festival annually since 1996 Festival BEYOND INNOCENCE.
Since 1983 he has devoted himself intensively to free improvised music. He experimented thouroughly with many different kinds of machines and sound-devices to expand the expression possibilities of the electric guitar.
He also composed music for films, theatre plays, dance. Among them, he has been working with Japanese Thertre group "ISHINHA" for more than 25 years.
He made a name for himself in Japan in concerts with such improvising musicians as Hans Reichel, Fred Frith, Tom Cora, Ned Rothenberg, Barre Phillips, Kan Tae Fwan, Peter Brotzman, Derek Bailey, Samm Bennett, Steve Beresford, Jon Rose, Zeena Parkins, Elliott Sharp, Eugene Chadbourne, Henry Kaiser, Chris Cutler, Charles Hayward, Han Bennink, Shelley Hirsch, Fred Frith, Gene Coleman, GURU GURU, Franz Hautzinger, Roger Turner, Bobby Previte, Wayne Horvitz, Mani Neumeier, Chiristian Marclay, Mark Feldman, Joelle Leandre, Carl Stone, Burkhard Stangle and others.

with Kazuhisa Uchihashi and Kazuki Tada at Hawkwind.
He has been conducting his rock-oriented powerful improvised band "Altered States" for 19 years and continues to create his own new guitar music in solo as well as in "Altered States". He is also known by playing with Otomo Yoshihide's GROUND ZERO for long years .
Since 1995 he has been starting to direct "New Music Action Workshop" for young Improviser in KOBE every month, and now he is going to keep it in Tokyo and other area. Since 1996 he has also been organizing the New Music festival "BEYOND INNOCENCE" in Osaka every year untill 2007. He organized NPO Beyond Innocence in Osaka in 2001 to produce new music .
He is also known for being the only one daxophone player in Japan.
What do you remember about your first guitar?
My first guitar was a cheap acoustic steel string guitar branded Morris. Not bad and not good. I had no idea if it was good or not because it was my first guitar. That guitar became my standard. I tried to get a better one since then.
Why do you need music?
Because I can't do anything but music.
Why do you love the guitar?
It looks easy to play but it's not easy to learn

Which work of your own are you most proud of?
My solo work. Because I can feel more my own originality than in other stuff.
What led you to improvisation?
I can learn a lot of things from improvising. That's why I need to keep on improvising to find something in myself.
Do you play electric and acoustic, do you approach the two differently?
I play mainly electric. I really like to play guitar with some pedals.
What was the first solo you learned from a record — and can you still play it?
Narciso Yepes 「Romance」 Maybe I've played it one time in the last 20 years
What’s the difference between a good guitar and a bad guitar?
If It can provide the sounds I like, I can say it's a good guitar.
What are the challenges and benefits of today's digital music scene?
Only Downsizing. Big analog equipment comes to just plug in. Digital technology makes everything compact .
Define the sound you're still looking for.
Talking Sounds
Lighting Takayuki Fujimoto / Sound Kazuhisa Uchihashi / dance Yukio suzuki
Why and how do you use extended techniques in guitar?
It depends on what I want to play. I am losing lots of normal techniques these 30 years. But in the other hand I learned lots of strange techniques
Which living artist would you like to collaborate with?
With some Asian traditional music players
What dead artist would you like to have collaborated with?
Taro Okamoto
Tarō Okamoto (岡本 太郎 Okamoto Tarō, February 26, 1911 – January 7, 1996) was a Japanese artist noted for his abstract and avant-garde paintings and sculptur
What’s your next project about?
Collaboration with Sekkyo-bushi (sermon ballads)
This is Japanese old traditional in 16th century.
- Uchihashi Kazuhisa. Flect II. Innocent, icr-013, 2009.
- Uchihashi, Kazuhisa. Flect. Innocent, icr-009, 2003.
- Uchihashi, Kazuhisa. Crazy Bubbles. CD-R. Psycho, psycho-0108, 2000.
- Uchihashi, Kazuhisa. Phosphorescence: Guitar Solo 2. Zenbei, ZEN-004, 1997.
- Uchihashi, Kazuhisa. Steam: Solo Performance at Shinjuku Pit Inn. Videocassette. Trigram, TR-P905, 1994.
- Uchihashi, Kazuhisa. Guitar Solo. Zenbei, ZEN-002, 1994.
- Uchihashi, Kazuhisa, and Tatsuya Yoshida. Improvisations 4. DVD. Magaibutsu, MGMV-01, 2012.
- Reichel, Hans, and Uchihashi Kazuhisa. King Pawns: Live in Berlin 2006. Innocent, ICR-020, 2012.
- Takahashi, Yuji, and Uchihashi Kazuhisa. U9. Innocent, ICR-019, 2012.
- Uchihashi, Kazuhisa, and Takayuki Kato. Duo. Fulldesign, FDR-2014, 2012.
- Hirsch, Shelley, and Kazuhisa Uchihashi. Duets: 10 Years After. Innocent, ICR-016, 2011.
- Uchihashi, Kazuhisa, and Tatsuya Yoshida. Improvisations 3. DVD + CD set. Magaibutsu, MGCDV-01, 2009.
- Uchihashi, Kazuhisa, and Tatsuya Yoshida. Improvisations 2. 3-CD set. Magaibutsu, MGC-30/31/32, 2007.
- Uchihashi, Kazuhisa, and Tatsuya Yoshida. Hercules' Icy Club. Tone Industria, TI 011, 2005.
- Uchihashi, Kazuhisa, and Tatsuya Yoshida. Improvisations. 2-CD set. Magaibutsu, MGC-24/25, 2005.
- Hirsch, Shelley, and Kazuhisa Uchihashi. Duets. Innocent, ICR-008, 2002.
- Otani, Yasuhiro, and Kazuhisa Uchihashi. Mr. Summer Time. PaleBlue, MA-1024, 2002.
- Bennett, Samm, and Kazuhisa Uchihashi. Cold Blowaway Sizeup. CD-R. Psycho, psycho-0107, 2000.

- Kang Tae Hwan, Yoshimitsu Ichiraku, and Kazuhisa Uchihashi. Clearness. 2-CD-R set. Psycho, psycho-0103-4, 2000.
- Chino, Shuichi, and Kazuhisa Uchihashi. f/w. CD-R. Psycho, psycho-0102, 2000.
- Ichiraku, Yoshimitsu, and Kazuhisa Uchihashi. Cynical Athlete. CD-R. Psycho, psycho-0101, 2000.
- Uchihashi, Kazuhisa, and Hans Reichel. King Pawns. Zenbei, ZEN-006, 1998.
- Uchihashi, Kojima Duo/ Iwata, Kawabata Duo. Audiocassette. New Music Action Live Series 3. Action Cassette / Innocent, Action Cassette Vol. 3, 1997.
- Reichel, Hans, Fred Frith, and Kazuhisa Uchihashi. Stop Complainning / Sundown. FMP, CD 36, 1991.
- Uchihashi, Kazuhisa, Tatsuya Yoshida, and Satoshi Mishiba. Deposition & Erosion. MGC-43, 2012.
- Combopiano. Combopiano. P-Vine, PCD-25116, 2010.
- Kochan Uchihashi Hautzinger Trio. Ruth Send a SMS. Tone Industria, TI 025, 2008.
- Palme, Pia, JSX, and Kazuhisa Uchihashi. Subitized. ein_klang, ekr_017, 2007.
- Comfort of Madness. Thixotrop. Innocent, icr-010, 2004.
- Larner, Brett, Joëlle Léandre, and Kazuhisa Uchihashi. No Day Rising. Spool, SPL121, 2003.
- Ruins, and Kazuhisa Uchihashi. Ruins + Kazuhisa Uchihashi. F.M.N. Sound Factory, FMC-028, 2002.
- Rothenberg, Ned, Kazuhisa Uchihashi, and Samm Bennett. Are You Be. Animul, ANI 103, 2002.
- Otani, Uchihashi, Ogata Trio / Katori Unit. Audiocassette. New Music Action Live Series 15. Action Cassette / Innocent, Action Cassette Vol. 15, 1998.
- Sakiyama, Ezaki, Uchihashi Trio + Katori, Wada Duo/ Funabashi, Kawabata, Katori Trio + Inada, Iwasaki Duo. Audiocassette. New Music Action Live Series 4. Action Cassette / Innocent, Action Cassette Vol. 4, 1997.

as leader / co-leader
- Makigami, Koichi, Kazuto Shimizu, Uchihashi Kazuhisa, and Tatsuya Yoshida. Sorites Paradox. Magaibutsu, MGC-38, 2011.
- Kanon. Beauty Is the Thing Doubtmusic, dmf-141, 2011.
- Hayashi, Eiichi, Uchihashi Kazuhisa, Akira Sotoyama, and Ryojiro Furusawa. 2006.8.26. Otoyakintoki. Test, Test-0001, 2008.
- Uchihashi, Kazuhisa, and Tatsuya Yoshida. Improvisations 2. 3-CD set. Magaibutsu, MGC-30/31/32, 2007.
- Mutant. EQ. CD-R. Psycho, psycho-0109, 2001.
- The Comforts of Madness. Röhren. Charhizma, Charhizma 004, 1999.
- The Comforts of Madness. Autism. Durian, Durian 008-2, 1999.
- Kam-pas-nel-la. Kam-pas-nel-la. Festival Beyond Innocence Live Performance Series Vol. 1. FBI Works / Innocent, INN-101, 1998.
with Phantasmagoria
- Phantasmagoria. Phantasmagoria. Innocent, ICR-007, 2000.
- Phantasmagoria. Cantata. CD-R. Psycho, psycho-0105, 2000.
- Inada, Nishiura Duo/ Phantasmagoria. Audiocassette. New Music Action Live Series 7. Action Cassette / Innocent, Action Cassette Vol. 7, 1997.
with Altered States
- Altered States. Live in Tokyo. 2-CD set. Innocent, ICR-017/018, 2012.
- Altered States. Bluffs II. doubtmusic, dmf-109, 2006.
- Altered States. Bluffs. 2-CD set. Innocent, ICR-011/012, 2005.
- Altered States. Plays Standards. Station Kids, SKCA-1003, 1999.
- Altered States. Altered States 6. Zenbei, ZEN-005, 1997.
- Altered States and Ned Rothenberg. Café 9.15. Phenotype, pp-001, 1996.
- Altered States. Altered States 4. Zenbei, ZEN-003, 1996.
- Altered Statess. Monthly Altered States: Live Video Selection, Vol. 1-12. Videocassette. Zenbei.
- Live at Manda-la 2. ZEN-V001, 1995.
- Live at Silver Elephant. ZEN-V002, 1995.
- Live at Dampfzentrale. ZEN-V003, 1995.
- Live at Knitting Factory. ZEN-V004, 1995.
- Live at Lounge AX. ZEN-V005, 1995.
- Live at Manda-la. ZEN-V006, 1995.
- Live at Cegep de Victoriaville. ZEN-V007, 1995.
- Live at Big Apple. ZEN-V008, 1995.
- Live at Crocodile. ZEN-V009, 1995.
- Live at Buddy. ZEN-V010, 1995.
- Live at Shinjuku Pit Inn. ZEN-V011, 1996.
- Live at Hosei University Student Hall. ZEN-V012, 1996.
- Altered States. Osaka Dai-kessen. Videocassette. Ganseki Products, G95061V.
- Altered States. Mosaic. God Mountain, GMCD-015, 1995.
- Altered States. Lithuania and Estonia Live featuring Otomo Yoshihide. Trigram, TR-P903, 1994.
- Altered States. Altered States. Zenbei, ZEN-001, 1992.

with Ground Zero
- Ground Zero. Plays Standards. Nani / Disk Union, NCD-201, 1997.
- Ground Zero. Consume Red. Sank-ohso / Creativeman, CMDD-00046, 1997 (Japan); ReR, ReR GZ2, 1997 (UK).
- Ground Zero. Revolutionary Pekinese Opera Ver. 1.50. 7" single. Gentle Giant, GG701, 1996.
- Ground Zero. Revolutionary Pekinese Opera, Version 1.28. ReR, GZ1, 1996.
- Bästard / Ground Zero. Pinball Tenacity / Live Mao '99. Split 7" single. Panemonium Rdz, PAN010, 1996.
- Ground Zero. Revolutionary Pekinese Opera, Tokyo 1995: Unofficial Live Video. Videocassette. Ganseki Products, G-96041V, 1995.
- Ground Zero. Revolutionary Pekinese Opera. Trigram, TR-P909,1995.
- Ground Zero. Null & Void. Tzadik, TZ 7204, 1995.

with Otomo Yoshihide
- Bond, Justin, Bob Ostertag, and Yoshihide Otomo. Panty Christ. Seeland, seeland 510, 1999.
- Otomo, Yoshihide, and Kazuhisa Uchihashi. Kichen. Dir. Yim Ho. Toshiba EMI, 1997.
- Otomo, Yoshihide, and Masahiko Shimada. My Dear Mummy. Sank-ohso / Creativeman, CMDD-00034, 1997.
- Otomo, Yoshihide. Hu-du-men. Dir. Shu Kei. a Kim Workshop / Sound Factory, STK-005, 1996.
- Otomo, Yoshihide, and Jon Rose. Tatakiuri. Sank-ohso / Creativeman, CMDD-00017, 1995.
- Otomo, Yoshihide. Summer Snow. Dir. Ann Hui. Sound Factory, STK 003 / King International, KKCP-79, 1995.
- Otomo, Yoshihide. The Day the Sun Turned Cold. Dir. Yim Ho. BMG Victor, BVCP799, 1995.
- Otomo, Yoshihide. The Blue Kite. Dir. Tian Zhuangzhuang. Trigram, S&T-001, 1993.

with Hideaki Sasaki
- Guillotine Kyodai. Viva Guitar. Doubletrap / Creativeman, CMDD-00064, 1997.
- Mary's Nail. Videocassette. B-Low Films, B-S9008, 1997.
- Guillotine Kyodai. Suspense Carry Pro. Doubletrap / Creativeman, CMDD-00045, 1997.
- Kingjoe. Worry Petty & Blouson Jet. B-Low, B-CDX001, 1996.
- Kingjoe. Tornado Shaman. Doubletrap / Creativeman, CMCD-00013, 1996.
With Shizuru Ohtaka
- Ohtaka, Shizuru and Kazuhisa Uchihashi. Tetto Musashinosen Soundtrack. VAP, VPCD-81206.
- Ohtaka, Shizuru. Voice Bathing. King, KICS 626, 1997.
- Ohtaka, Shizuru. Love Tune. King, KICS 608, 1997.
- Ohtaka, Shizuru. Repeat Performance 3. King, KICS 481, 1995.
- Ohtaka, Shizuru. Nostalgia. King, KICS 447, 1994.
- Ohtaka, Shizuru. Repeat Performance 2. 1993.

with other artists
- Opitope. A Colony of kuala Mute Geeks. White Paddy Mountain, WPMC002, 2013.
- Edge. Edge of the Guitar. Fulldesign, FDR-1020, 2011.
- Shibusashirazu Orchestra. Paris Shibu Bukyoku: Live at Maison de la Culture du Japon à Paris. 2-CD set. Chitei, B41/42F, 2008.
- Shibusashirazu Orchestra. We Are a Fisherman Band. DVD. Chitei, B43F, 2008.
- Anima Mundi (Vazquez-Yoshigaki Project). Primer Encuentro. Glamorous, EWGL-0010, 2007.
- Shibusashirazu Orchestra. Lost Direction. Moers, 03016 CD, Chitei, B38F, 2005.
- Synapse. Raw. Tzadik, TZ 7254, 2005.
- Kitchen Drinkers, and Takashi Nemoto. Kitchen Drinkers Art Box: Moso Fluxus. 2-CD set. 2004.
- Shibusashirazu Orchestra. Shibuboshi. Chitei, B33F, 2004.
- Haco. Happiness Proof. P-Vine, PCD-5558, 1999.
- Goshima, Yoshiko. Shian no Hane. Polystar, PSCR-5726, 1999.
- Hayward, Charles. Near + Far. Live in Japan Vol. 3. Locus Solus, LSR 003, 1999.
- Nadege. Purification. WEA Japan, WPCR-2340, 1998.
- Suyama, Kumiko. Eisler Songs. OPR-9804, 1998.
- Nadege. Aromes. WEA Japan, WPCR-1649, 1998.
- Suyama, Kumiko. La Pomme. OPR-9703, 1997.
- Nadege. Terre-neuve. WEA Japan, WPCR-1300, 1997.
- Kazmi with Rickies. Mittsu no Mute. 5" single CD. Toshiba EMI, TOCT-9923, 1997.
- Wawa. Wawa. GR 001, 1996.
- Honzi. One. Polystar, PSCR-5529, 1996.
- Carmen Maki. Unison. PICL-1135, 1996.
- Nadege. Aquatique. Victor, VICP-5730, 1996.
- John Zorn's Cobra: Tokyo Operations. Avant, AVAN-049, 1995.
- Vie Vie. Annees-Lumiere. Columbia, COCY-78634, 1995.
- Satoh Michihiro Tsugaru-Shamisen Gakudan. Natsu Yoi Matsuri. Kyoto, KYCH-5002, 1995.
- Spank Happy. Freak Smile. TM Factory / Toshiba EMI, TOCT-8893, 1995.
- E.S.P. E.S.P. Subconscious, SUB-1002, 1995.
- Ishin-ha. Babel. Steam Press.

- Takemura, Nobukazu. Child's View. Bellissima! / Toys Factory, TFCC-88312, 1994.
- Audio Sports. Strange Fruits. All Access, AACD-004, 1994.
- Nadege. Nadege Meets Nadege. Samson, SMCL-1011, 1994.
- Sugaya, Masahiro. The Bush of Ghosts. SAY PAD-8012, 1993.
- Spiritual Vibes. Spiritual Vibes. Toys Factory, TFCC-88304, 1993.
- Taguchi, Tomoro. Bachikarist. WEA Music, WMC3-26, 1992.
- Hurdy Gurdy Orchestra. Hurdy Gurdy Orchestra. 1991.
- Klingt.org: 10 Jahre Bessere Farben. 2-CD set. Mikroton, MIKROTON CD 5/6, 2009.
- Festival Beyond Innocence: A Brief History in 67 Chapters. 4-CD set. FBI Disc / Innocent, FBI 102/5, 2002.
- Improvised Music from Japan Presents Improvised Music from Japan. 10-CD set. Improvised Music from Japan, IMJ-10CD, 2001.
- London Musicians' Collective ...the First 25 Years. 2-CD set. LMC, RES8.2CD/RES9.1CD, 2000.
- Ring Ring 99: Around the World. Free B92, CD006 SOKOJ, 2000.
- Ring Ring 1997. Radio B92, D016, 1998.
- Resonance 6.1 CD. LMC, RESONANCE 6.1 CD, 1997.
- AngelicA 1997. i dischi di angelica, IDA 013, 1998.
- Cosmic Hurushi Monsters. Tokyo Invasion Volume 1. Virgin, 1996.
- Riddle of Lumen. F.M.N. Souind Factory, FMC-001, 1995.
- The Miracle of Levitation. Gentle Giant, GGCD001, 1995.
- Maboroshi no Sekai Samples. Maboroshi no Sekai, MABO-001, 1995.
- Neu Konservatiw. God Mountain, GMCD-009, 1994.